Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A baby's life

Just the other day Carter started cooing and my heart just melted! Those little smiles and coos just make it all worth it!! Other than that he really doesn't do too much besides the normal baby things, you know, sleep, eat, cry. Here is a little video of him doing what he does. I tried to catch the cooing on video but of course he stopped when I can by with the camera.

Also, some of you may know that my dad has been recently diagnosied with bladder cancer. Yesterday they had to remove his bladder since the cancer was spreading. His recovery will take any where from 6-8 weeks. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers during this time and feel free to visit his blog for more information or to leave him a note: http://bmilligan.blogspot.com/


Anonymous said...

Can I have him? I'll take them both, please ;)

Alison said...

Sure! How about between the hours of midnight to 6am?? :-)

Grandpa-Bob said...

Try giving them to Brittany between midnight and 6am...

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