Saturday, January 06, 2007

Cry Baby

I believe, while pregnant and after the baby arrives, one of the most important things to have is a sense of humor. Life is not perfect, husbands and wives fight, dogs bark and babies do cry! I think that has been the hardest part for David and me while getting use to Trent is the crying, especially during those colic months. Now that he's at the age where his cry is not just for needs but now it's for wants it's even harder. We are now having to learn if he's crying to just be held or if he's is truly upset. Usually it's easy to tell the difference but of course we're still learning. We've been working very hard, especially at night and nap time, that when he cries to just let him cry it out. Of course, we'll check on him every 10 to 15 mins, calm him down and lay him down again. As I was going through pictures to take and print today I came across these that I took and it just made me laugh, especially because of the onsie he's wearing. Again, you need a sense of humor during parenthood so why not take pictures as you can tell the scream is about to come?!

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