Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas

This was Carter's first Christmas and what a lucky little guy to have it snow!! Christmas Eve we were supposed to hang out with Grandma Becky and Grandpa Kelly but the roads were too bad so Grandma brought us some dinner and had to head back home. After eating and bedtime I stayed up and finished wrapping the rest of the gifts and found it kind of funny that I had trouble sleeping because I was so excited for Trent to wake up to all his gifts from Santa!! Carter was actually the first one up so we played for awhile until Trent finally woke up then the fun began. We explored the house to find Santa left some "snow" by the chimney and ate all the cookies we left out. We all opened our stockings and gifts and really just enjoyed our morning. Carter wasn't too sure what was going on but had fun playing with all the toys as Trent unwrapped gift after gift. From there we all got ready and headed out for our Christmas brunch with my mom and Kelly. This year seemed like one of the best; the food was awesome and we really enjoyed ourselves! After eating we headed back to our house and opened gifts with mom and Kelly. From there, it was naptime! After everyone got their naps in, we headed to my Aunt Jayne's house in Heath. It was a full house and we had a great time seeing everyone and eating some more good food! Trent really enjoyed playing with my cousin's little guy, it's fun seeing them get older together. Trent would run around and ask where his cousin was, it was too cute!

The next morning started the rest of our Christmas celebrations. We went over to Sugar and Pop Seale's house for brunch and you'll never guess it but yes we opened more gifts! :-) It was very relaxing and Pam, Melissa and I even got to play a game of Life during naptime. After everyone was up we packed up and headed over to Meemaw and Peepaw's house for out final celebration. The kids had a great time running around and playing together.

Even though it's a bit exhausting going from Christmas to Christmas I enjoy every minute of the time we get with our families.
We are so blessed for all the wonderful people in our lives!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trent's conversations

Me: Trent are you a ma ma's boy?
Trent: No, I'm a daddy's boy. Daddy's a boy, I'm a boy, Carter's a boy, YOU are a girl

Trent: Ma Ma, what are you looking for?
Me: The remote control
Trent: Mystery took it.

I'm driving and ask Trent if Carter is sleeping.
Trent: No
Trent to Carter: Carter, are you tired?
Me: What is he doing?
Trent: Ma Ma, I'm talking to Carter right now.

We met up with some friends yesterday and they have a 2 month old baby and their little girl is about 6 years old. Trent walked up to her and said very proudly, "I have a baby brother too!"

Saturday, December 05, 2009

6 months later...

I'll be posting more from Thanksgiving but just wanted to post these pictures of Carter and Teagan, my sweet little neice!

The one on the left is from May and the one on the right is from November.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

9 months...a little late

Ok I promise I'll get Carter's 10 month post on time! Here is what our little guy has been up to:

He now has one little tooth at the bottom. He crawls, pulls up, cruises and is very busy yet not quite as busy as his brother was. He is very mellow but will "voice" himself when he wants something or is upset. He has been sleeping farley good, still may wake up at night but just drinks his bottle and is back to sleep. He's in size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes. He babbles and makes noises all the time. Some of his most common are dadada, babababa and mamama.
Here are his stats from his 9 month check up:
Height: 30 inches 97th percentile
Weight: 24.8 lbs 95th percentile
Head 18 inches 75th percentile

The doctor said he's doing good and right on track. He pinches his fingers when picking up his food and is actually a pretty clean eater for a baby! This time has really flown by and I'm in disbelief my baby will be a year soon!!!

Monday, November 09, 2009

Getting Bigger

So I got too busy to get to Carter's 8 month post so here is a little catch up before the 9 month. He started crawling literally in a day! He did a mini crawl one night then went to full crawling by the next afternoon!!! Trent was a helper since he put a toy out for him to chase :-) He's been wearing 12 month clothes and size 4 diapers. He drinks 4-6 oz bottles throughout the day and eats all table foods. His sleeping has gotten so much better with wake ups during the night here and there but overall sleeps 12 hours during the night.
Ever since Carter has been mobile Trent's been getting very jealous and upset. It's been an adjustment to share the playroom, toys and overall attention. It's cute though because even with the jealous he really does try to play with him. I'll catch him tickling him, playing chase or just simply playing next to each other.

Trent's also just full of funny things!! He'll encourage his feet will getting dressed by telling them "You can do it!" as his gets them through his pants. He also will sit there and play pretend with his toys and they will have conversations about if they are happy, hungry and just what they are doing, it's too funny!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Carter's First Play date

Yesterday I met up at one of my friend's house for a baby play date. The two other babies are 2 months younger than Carter but they all still had such a great time...well at least us moms were entertained! There was some crying, laughing, crawling, hugs and even a little paci stealing. They are still too young to play together but are getting to the age to parallel play. I realized when Carter got excited at his cousin's baby doll that he needs to get more baby interaction. We had so many little ones around Trent's age that I don't really have that for Carter and since he's not in daycare he doesn't get around kids his age very often. It was very nice getting them all together and I look forward to
more baby play dates!!
Carter stealing Bailey's Paci
Trent and Katherine
Katherine and Carter
Katherine making sure Carter isn't cold...see his hand...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

State Fair of TX

Wow, I'm very behind on my blog and especially this post! We went to the State Fair almost 2 weeks ago and had so much fun!!! We've found that Wednesdays are great days to go; you get in for a $1 with 3 canned goods and the crowds are not bad at all. We were there from about 11am to 4:30pm and to say the least full and exhausted by time we left. We did just about everything we could there, saw the animals, ate, did a few rides and games, ate, checked out the crafts people were selling...did I mention eating?! And yes, we tried it this year...fried butter! It was like a donut hole with honey on the outside and butter on the inside, actually very good.
Trent had a really good time over in the animal area. We walked through the petting zoo, watched a dog show and he went through the little farm area. He walked through and would water plants then take what "grew" and then would feed animals and take what they produce like eggs from chickens and milk from cows. At the very end they would sell what they got along the way, which was just putting everything in the correct basket and then they would receive some fake money. From there they walked through the store and got to buy a snack. It really was a very cool concept and a lot of fun!!
From there we went through Midway and played some games and Trent rode a motorcycle ride. It was hilarious because there was a button the kids could push to make a very very annoying noise and within seconds of being on his motorcycle Trent was the first kid to find it. From there, a few others started pushing their button but not nearly as long as Trent did. He also played a few games and won a little stuffed dog. Kelly, Trent and I all went through a fun house there too. Trent fell when the floor started spinning but it did phase him at all. After we were done he tried running through it again!!
Overall everything was great, the weather was a little cool but we got to do and see everything we wanted to do and I cannot wait for next year as I know it will be even more fun with the boys getting older every year!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Flag Football

Awhile back I was looking into getting Trent into sports once he turned 3 and came across this awesome program at the YMCA called Small Frys Sports. They get together every Saturday for about an hour and rotate different sports each month for the kids to try. I absolutely love this concept!! I want my kids to be able to try different things so when they are older they are able to pick what they want to do. This month is flag football and we had no idea what to expect. It was pretty a mini practice for the kids that keeps the parents very involved in helping them. They practiced throwing and catching, running in and out of cones and back and forth. Trent's favorite part was running!!! The first time he ran no one told him where to stop so he just kept running until we yelled for him to stop, it was hilarious! I think the way this will work is that they will practice 3 out 4 Saturdays and then last one have a little game of some sorts. Either way, Trent loved it and it's a great way to introduce sports into his life. When we were leaving he told me I hurt his feelings. I asked him why and said because we were leaving :-) We made sure he knew we would be back next week.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

7 months

Carter was 7 months last Saturday and I'm amazed at how quickly time is flying!! He is just such a great baby. He's sitting by himself very well and can even pull himself into a sitting position in his bouncy seat. I have found this to be not so good because sometimes he pulls too far and can very easily fall out of his seat. He's still doing great at night, every once in awhile he'll wake up for a bottle but pretty much is in bed by 8:30 and wakes up around 7:30. Now eating, that's a whole other story!! He now drinks bottles all day long, about 4-6 oz at a time but has all of a sudden not enjoyed solid foods anymore. I can maybe get him to eat 2 jars a day which is why he's had an increase in bottles. I've tried table foods which he does good with some of them but still isn't at the point where they can take the place of baby food.
He wears 9-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers. He loves watching his brother and is an overall happy baby. He laughs and giggles and just takes in everything around him. Carter loves being in his walker and Trent loves pushing him around! He was cracking me up when I was taking his picture with his dog because he just kept laughing and giggling :-)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

3 years old

Last Friday Trent turned 3 years old!!! Where has the time gone?! I took off from work and spent the day with him along with finishing up last minute preparations for his party on Saturday. He had his 3 year check up at the doctor that morning (don't worry no shots) and she said he's doing great. His words sound good for his age, 20/20 vision and great hearing. Here are his stats:
Height: 39 inches 75th percentile
Weight: 36.4 lbs 75th percentile
BMI: 16.8 75th percentile
After his appt I picked up some McDonald's and we headed to his first movie, The Night at the Museum part 2. David met us up there and Trent did really good at the theater!! During the action parts he would sit and watch and since there were only a few people in there he didn't bother anyone by walking along the row in front of us trying all the seats out. After Trent's nap we gave him his birthday present, a Car's couch that folds out to a little bed. Him and his brother were having fun playing on it!! That night my mom and Kelly came over to help me finish up with the food and decorations for the next day. Trent also helped us finish our Mickey jars. I think enjoyed putting the candy in the most :-)

The next morning was Trent's party at the park. We rented a pavilion for the morning and it turned out great!! Who knew kids would be so preoccupied with squishy balls, bubbles and rain! My best friend Marguerite made the most beautiful Mickey cake I have ever seen and it was a huge hit :-) We did our best keeping everyone busy with eating and coloring and cake. Overall, it turned out great and the most important part, the kids had a blast!
I really cannot thank all our family and friends enough for all the love and support we get on a daily basis. Raising a family is by far the hardest thing I've ever done and I could not do it with out all the people in our lives!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers