Hello Everyone! It's been awhile since I've blogged so I have tons
of updates and pictures to share from our very busy month so far. We started the month celebrating our 6 year anniversary. The kids stayed with Sugar and Pop Seale while David and I enjoyed and wonderful dinner at Lawry's...it was so quiet there :-) After that we stopped by one of David's friend's bar for some drinks.
The next weekend David, Ginger, my dad and I participated in a fund raising
event called Relay for Life. It's all night fund raiser where a memeber from each team walks around the track all night. They had a wonderful ceremony and some fun events going on. We took Trent out there for awhile but he started getting tired and was having melt downs so my mom came to get him :-) I guess there is a thing called too much bounce house. I look forward to doing this again n
ext year!!
Last Sunday we celebrated Mother's day and have a very nice day. Melissa and Steve
had the moms over along with their kids for a Sunday Brunch. The guys were in charging of cooking while the mom's just enjoyed some mimosas and all the great food. The little ones had a blast running around and playing and even the cold weather that blew in didn't phase them.
Then this last Monday David started a new job with regular day time hours! YAY!! He's working at a law firm that deals with mortages a
nd foreclosures. They have some great perks for him and we both have a really good feeling about this. So far he's really enjoying his coworkers and the nights off. He'll still be picking up some Saturday shifts at the bar for some extra cash but we'll be enjoying weekends and nights together now.
On Wed
nesday Carter turned 15 months. I took him to the doctor for his check up and she said he looked the size of an average two year old and was overall very impressed by his motor skills and words. Here are his stats:
Height: 34 inches above 95th percentile
Weight: 29 lbs 2 oz 95th percentile
Head: 19 inches 80th percentile
He has more than 10 words. Some of them include da da, dog, tren (trent), go, no no, ma ma, dun (done/down), boo (boozer) (but he still mostly calls us both da da; the doctor gave me a sweet little smile when I asked about this and she told me to just correct him and he'll be calling me ma ma very soon). Some other words we've heard but not regularly are sitting and good morning.
He loves trying to twist lids on and off, staking objects, playing with balls and playing with his big brother. He follows basic directions of gettin
g things like his diaper and putting things in containers when we ask and direct him. He is wearing size 24 month clothes, size 7 shoes and size 5 diapers. He drinks about 24 ozs of whole milk a day and is trying very hard to use his fork and spoon. He loves bananas, breakfast bars, cheese, raisins, peas and macaroni and cheese. Carter can point out his eyes, nose, tounge, feet and belly.
Carter is so sweet and loveble and gives hugs and kisses all the time. He is also a hug ham when you bust the camera out he'll pose for you. He also has a short fuse and if you have to take something from him you will get a scream and full fledge tanturm!
Carter started at the boys new daycare on Monday and Trent starts on the 24th. He has one more week at his current school so we wanted him to be able to finish up there. Carter's teacher said he did awesome his first week and was schocked he's never been to daycare before. We are only half way through the month and still have more to our busy schedule, I'm actually really looking forward to June when we can all get situated in our new routines.
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