Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting Dressed

Anyone who's around Trent enough will notice that he is very particular about his shoes and socks. He can't have one on without the other and besides bedtime, he normally always wants them on! He loves getting dressed and he's gets his own socks and shoes. In the mornings when I'm getting ready, he gets very concerned that I have all of my clothes too!! The other morning I was dressed and just needed to put my shoes on and looking at my bare feet, he said "Mama, shoes, shoes!!" I told him "I know Trent, I'm going to get my shoes on". I walked into the bedroom and started getting my boots on and all of a sudden he comes running in with a pair of my flip flops and hands them to me "Here go mama". I thought it was the funniest, sweetest thing!!

1 comment:

Grandpa-Bob said...

At least your shoes are small enough for Trent to carry. Mine aren’t! Can’t wait to see you all on Christmas. Love, Dad

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