We went to the doctor the other day for Trent's 2 month check up and he is weighing in at about 14 pounds and is 24 inches long. He's about in the 90th percentile for his age. He's growing up so quickly! To the left is a picture of Trent in his c
owboy gear from a week or so ago and to the right is one of him in his outfit just a few days old...he doesn't even look like the same baby! Look how much his onsie use to hang on him and now it's starting to get a little snug.
Hey, why isn't he wearing his Colts outfit?
I agree with g-bob. Where's the COLTS outfit? He would look so cute in it!
Trent will be wearing his Colts gear but it doesn't fit him yet...the size is 12 months so next year he will be sporting it :-)
no need for the Colts outfit.Did anyone watch the Colts last Sunday? Trent only wears onesies that represent winners!!!
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