Wednesday, May 13, 2009

3 months old

Yesterday Carter was 3 months old and here is his picture with his big red dog. It's funny because while I was taking these picture he was actually grabbing and hugging him! He's doing great with his grasping. He grabs at his toys, blankets, bibs, burp clothes, pretty much anything near him. He is also doing an awesome job with his head control. He loves bath time and just smiles and kicks as we pour water over him. Trent also enjoys pouring...well more like dumping water on him too but Carter still loves it! He loves being held and involved with what everyone else is doing. We are really seeing his laid back personality too. He is so ticklish and happy!! Smiles, smiles, smiles!!! He's doing pretty good at sleeping during the night and is working towards a 9 hour stretch. He teases us and sleeps for 9 hours then he'll wake up the next two nights (just once so not horrible!) then he'll sleep 9 hours again. I just know the sleeping through the night is right around the corner!!! He wears 3-6 month clothes and is in a size 2 diaper. I'm blown away by how fast he's growing but taking in every single moment of it.

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