This weekend was so much fun! Saturday evening Trent, Carter and I met up with one of my girlfriends at our community pool. She has a 3 y
ear old and was also babysitting a friends 5 year old boy. We hung out, ate pizza and just let all the boys play, play, play!! Trent did so much better in the pool this year than he did last year. By time we left he was jumping in (with an inter tube around his waste) and would doggy paddle back to the stairs and start all over. (Sorry, I forgot my camera so no pictures.
) Last night we had a good friend of David's over, Jason, his wife Jennifer and their two little boys; the oldest is 3 and the youngest is 1. All of them had so much fun running around and playing outside together. She brought over this awesome dessert and of course Trent ate it right up!!! It's so great to be able to do play dates now that he's older plus we actually get more adult time with our friends :-)
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