Sunday, March 01, 2009


I know one of the biggest questions with a new baby is "Who does he look like?" I've had a lot of people ask if he looks like Trent did when he was a baby and this has been a hard question to answer. I have done a ton of staring at Carter and I definitely think they look like brothers but in my opinion, Carter favors David and Trent favors me. I tried to find some pictures with similar poses so I could see what everyone else thought. Of course, I think it's still hard to say since new babies change everyday but still it's fun to compare the two!

Trent is on the left and Carter on the right:


Grandpa-Bob said...

Trent and Carter look like me, other than the gray hair, green eyes, nose, mouth , etc... Okay, the don't look like me! But they are cute...

Alison said...

Well, Trent did get his height from somewhere and not trying to point fingers but I think it was you :-)

Becky Dorman said...

Your boys are definitely brothers. Trent looks like Trent and Carter will look like Carter and we love them the way they are. You should be proud you have two great looking boys.

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