Saturday, March 28, 2009

Croup & Coos

So this last week has been very exhausting. Trent had a fever last Sunday & Monday and then had a cold the next few days. Thursday night he woke up with the croup cough and wheezing. If anyone has heard this cough, it's extremely scary!! It sounds like they can barley breath. That night I got very little sleep because as soon as I got one of the boys to sleep the other woke up. I do have to say it was really cute when I went to calm Trent down I gave him some water to drink. He burped after drinking it and in between his coughs still said "Excuse me ma ma". Too funny! I got him to the doctor the next morning and got him started on some medicine so after a ton of sleep and some medicine, he is doing much better today.

Carter has not been sick (thank goodness!!) and has actually been cooing more and more. I'm able to keep him awake during the day more with some toys and talking which is great. He's starting to go 4-5 hours in between his bottles at night which is SO nice! Our little piggy is eating about 6 ounces now which I think is what is helping him go longer between his bottles. I've been working hard to get a little coo on video so here it is:

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